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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in Rotary Huron Shore Run 2017

My Story…

Unlike my sister Mary Putnam, I am happy to "beg" for donations! Please help us raise as much money as we can for our Southampton Hospital. This is the lovely little town we have been going to our entire lives and the hospital has been there for us and many, many others in times of need. Big or small it all adds up. Thanks for helping!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 04 Sabrina Smith $50.00
May 04 Kevin Nimchonok $25.00
May 02 Trevor Gordon $25.00
Apr 14 Peter Eudoxie To keep harmony in the Putnam family. $100.00
Apr 12 Sarah Putnam $25.00
Apr 12 Sarah Putnam $250.00