Raise money for Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute
Your donation will contribute to the enhancement of a learner-centered environment at BTVI that aligns with 21st century educational goals and skills-building, so that the next generation of entrepreneurs, tradespeople and skilled labourers can be more globally competitive and economically independent to positively impact the Bahamian workforce and economy.
Please note that ALL donations are in USD currency
Click on a team below to make a donation.
RBC Capital Markets - Bahamas
Raised: $11,862.89
RBC Performance Conference Participants
Raised: $11,284.29
Marc Gervais
Raised: $504.73
HNW All Stars
Raised: $107.35
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Jan 23 | Matt Forostoski | $107.35 |
Jan 22 | Bobby Koupparis | $107.35 |
Jan 21 | Canyon Stone Canada Inc | $213.85 |
Jan 17 | Corey Banning | $267.10 |
Jan 17 | Huckleberry- Woof! | $200.00 |
Jan 17 | Jon & Terri Voigtman | $500.00 |
Jan 17 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Jan 17 | Sonia Carey | $27.48 |
Jan 17 | Carmen Wong | $22.15 |
Jan 17 | Eula Bourne | $54.10 |