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Help Ingrid raise money

For participating in Isolation Run for Health Care Workers

My Story…

Physical fitness is an essential for me. I enjoy running as way to de-stress, loosen up, and control pain. Started in university and, ever since, find it hard to go a week without some form of cardio exercise. I've worked for the lab at NRGH for 3 years. It is a physically demanding job and exercise creates the physical and emotional balance I need to continue to function in that role. I'm not into races, so much as endurance training. I find my strength in steadiness and consistency and prefer building towards outlasting all the quick "rabbits" out there. Life isn't a race, it's a journey with all sorts of surprises and unknowns, which our patients know all too well. We need a new ICU in Nanaimo so desperately, especially now with the COVID emergency. It is currently rated the worst in Canada because of its design. 11 beds capacity only. This not enough for our Island population. The last time it wasn't over-capacity was.....many moons ago.