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Help Maedean raise money

For participating in 2021 Mental Health In Motion Challenge - 10,000 KM For Mental Health

My Story…

All of us will experience or have experienced a mental or emotional health concern significant enough to make daily life difficult for a period of time.  About 1 in 5 of us will experience a mental health problem or illness serious enough to warrant the need for professional and community support.    There are many kinds of mental health concerns, the period of depression after a relationship breakup, the burnout related to over work,  the obsession with fitting into a particular body type.   There are many kinds of mental health illnesses, that persist over time without support, such as anxiety disorders or mood disorders.     

Unlike a broken arm, a broken heart and a broken mind can remain hidden.  You see, people who are struggling with anxiety, or depression, or societal pressure to conform , are also capable co-workers, thought leaders, parents, loving family and friends, talented artists, and active community members.   People who are suffering from significant mental health issues are you, me, our family and friends. 

As a counsellor I am passionate about encouraging others to talk openly about mental health, with care and compassion.  I myself was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in my late twenties.  I continue to build a low-as- possible -stress lifestyle,  build healthy and true thought patterns,  and practice movement and meditation regularly. 

If you are reading this, and you are an employer of people, ask yourself, do you have mental  and emotional health policies in place that schedule in regular times in the year that employees can assess mental health?  Do you regularly ask for formal feedback on whether your work environment actively cultivates mental and emotional well being?   Do you model healthy workplace behaviors by working only within the 40 hour week work?    There is a reason many fought so hard to implement that work schedule.   People need a work life balance that gives them time to engage in healthy eating practices, have time for family and friends, and time for mental and physical rest. 

If you are reading this and you are struggling or know someone who is, please consider donating or sending me a song that lifts you up.  I'll listen to it on my relaxed runs. 

Please know you are not alone.  

Donate to help Maedean raise money for 2021 Mental Health In Motion Challenge - 10,000 KM For Mental Health’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount