Raise money for Taffi T. Crawford Domestic Violence Foundation
Thank you for donating to The Taffi T. Crawford Domestic Violence Foundation (TTCDVF). Please note that your donation will be in addition to your race registration.
TTCDVF was organized by friends, family, and colleagues of late Taffi T. Crawford. TTCDVF is a catalyst for social change – empowering people to take action at the local, state and national level to ensure safety, justice, accountability and healing for people whose lives are affected by violent relationships. Our goal is to educate, intervene, prevent domestic violence, and save lives. This organization will provide assistance and referral services to victims and survivors of domestic violence. Our objective is to provide an emergency shelter for victims who have escaped their abuser and seek a safe-haven. The TTCDVF will partner with other nonprofit organizations, local, state, and federal government agencies, religious organizations, educational institutes, private businesses, individuals, donors, and volunteers to accomplish the goal, mission, and vision of this entity.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Oct 30 | Michael Stengel | $5.00 |
Oct 30 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Oct 29 | Jalarna Grant | $27.48 |
Oct 28 | Tamara Dukes | Undisclosed amount |
Oct 27 | W. Lanier | $54.10 |
Oct 08 | Irving Coleman | $100.00 |