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Help Taylor raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…

I am the daughter of a cancer survivor and a cancersurvivor myself

2 sentences, 4 cancer words, 1 family, 2 survivors – FYC we won

Join me in making a difference! This year, I'm swapping my bike for running shoes to raise funds for kids like Sloane, bravely battling cancer. 


Taylor's dad: She was not feeling well, her legs hurt, her arms hurt. Off to the doctor, tests and then the four words that changed our world forever, “your daughter has cancer”. In June of 1995 Taylor was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia – she was 5. Our journey with this disease begins.

Taylor: I didn’t realize what would come along with that horrible word cancer, as I started losing my hair…… no one knew what my outcome would be. My brother Cody, who is special needs, would say, “She’s just sick, she’ll be better soon”. So in December 1997 after enduring chemo and hospital stays for 2 ½ years, or 29 months and 9 days, or 910 days and… 242 pokes (the dreaded needles), I had my farewell to cancer party.

Taylors dad: The fall of 2000, she was not feeling like herself, gaining weight for no apparent reason, a growing feeling of being uncomfortable. Off to the doctor, tests and they book her for surgery. Four more words that changed our world again, “your wife has cancer”.

Taylor: I returned home from school that day to find out that my mom Linnea had Ovarian cancer. Want to talk about information overload? I couldn’t believe it, I remember thinking, “why us, why my family? AGAIN”. I watched her go through everything I did, and she didn’t give up. I thank her for that because I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

My parents: From June 1995 to December 1997 and December 2001 to May 2003 our family faced living with cancer treatment every day. And every day since Linnea’s last treatment, cancer has been in our lives – in a good way. We have had the privilege of working with two incredible and linked charities, Kids Cancer Care and Coast to Coast.

This is a quick rundown. This is a video of our full story , please take a few minutes to understand why supporting children living with and beyond cancer is so near and dear to my heart.


To support the kids and their families who are enduring their own battle right now. To honour the siblings and families of those champions who have earned their angel wings. And for those that will be diagnosed this year, to help them also thrive in the face of cancer. Cycling always channeled my physical, mental and emotional energy into something much greater – helping brave children return to life as regular kids again just like my new friend Sloane is working so hard at with her second tandem bone marrow transplant. 


My friend Adam Fedesoff had decals made for our bikes. He had hoped to ride in the 2013 Sears National Kids Cancer Ride but passed away March 11, 2012 at the age of 17 years. My bike, and now runners have the letters FYC”. You can probably imagine what that means. I cried the day I received this in the mail from my friend Ron Mitchell. I will be thinking about that with every step on this run. F%#@ You Cancer! Especially on those “tough” days.

Let's support our kids together. Skip a coffee this week and donate to our team, Strong Like Sloane. Every contribution counts! #StrongLikeSloane #ChildhoodCancerAwareness 🎗️

Donate to help Taylor raise money for Servus Calgary Marathon 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 27 Peter Cook Bravo and good luck Taylor and Sloane. $27.60
Jan 26 Dean/Linnea Wheatley $107.72
Jan 26 Cathy and Dave Leroux $54.31
Jan 26 Jim La Hay Inreference to the photo you chose this is for you and Kailey!! $54.31
Jan 26 Shelley Wood Go wheel sister ❤️ $25.00