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Help Amanda raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024

Donate to help Amanda raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 Jasmine. Haddad Go Mandii Go! You’ve got this and have fun :) $28.25
May 08 Auntie Bonnie $28.25
May 08 Delta Jones We're rooting for you all! $28.25
May 07 Allison Wawryn Go Mandii! Undisclosed amount
May 06 Mark Kassabri Your strength is commendable! $55.09
May 06 Kathleen Shaver Mandii and family, I am so impressed by the strength and love you show your girls and how you navigate these complex medical situations. $108.76
May 06 Ashley Jones $28.25
Apr 19 Anonymous $538.14
Apr 18 50. Undisclosed amount