Raise money for Tennessee Voices for Children
Building hope for all generations
Core Values
Family-Driven Services: We are committed to the provision of high quality, evidence-informed services based on System of Care principles that are family-driven, youth-guided, and culturally and linguistically competent.
Access to Services: We believe that a broad range of mental health services should be available, without any associated stigma, to all children and young adults age 0-24.
Family Member/Caregiver Education: We believe that empowering family members/caregivers through effective training and education can lead to improved ability to meet mental health needs.
Lived Experience/Peer Support: We believe that emphasizing lived experience and peer support with caregivers and youth can produce individuals who become experts in navigating the child-serving systems.
Statewide Presence: We are dedicated to supports and services that produce a positive impact statewide in rural, urban, and suburban communities.
Leadership through Collaboration: We embrace a leadership role in the development of public policy affecting children and families and recognize that collaboration with other child-service organizations is critical in realizing success.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Apr 22 | Trena Serrano | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 21 | The Jason Foundation | $108.03 |
Apr 20 | Anonymous | $11.64 |
Apr 10 | Timothy Easter | $108.03 |
Mar 11 | Anonymous | $27.71 |
Mar 10 | Anonymous | $11.64 |
Mar 09 | Anonymous | $27.71 |
Mar 06 | Armond Groves | $11.64 |
Mar 05 | KAREN HAYES | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | Gabrielle Mykytyn | $5.00 |