Help Mollie raise money
For participating in Race to Tackle Poverty
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Help me tackle Bay Area poverty!
In the Bay Area, 1.1 million people don’t have the resources they need to meet their basic needs. Since 2005, Tipping Point has invested nearly $300 million for housing, early childhood, education, and employment solutions in the region.. Tipping Point’s mission is to build community to advance the most promising poverty-fighting solutions, in hopes that one day, everyone in the Bay Area will have the opportunity to prosper.
The 49ers Foundation is proud to celebrate 30 years of philanthropic giving, with over 50 million dollars invested in Bay Area communities. The 49ers Foundation mission is to harness football to educate and empower Bay Area youth through direct and beneficiary programs.
Over the next 6 weeks, I am committing 30 miles and raising money for the Race to Tackle Poverty! This is a cause which resonates with so many in our community, and I am honored to join the 49ers Foundation and Tipping Point Community in their shared vision to create a Bay Area where everyone has an opportunity to prosper through access to education, health and wellness programs, housing, and other life-changing services. All funds raised will benefit Tipping Point Community and the 49ers Foundation in their ongoing efforts to end poverty and level the playing field for all young people.
Will you help me level the playing field?