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Help Jewel raise money

For participating in 2023 pride & remembrance run

My Story…

It’s that time of year again, It’s PRIDE MONTH! 

And that means I will be participating in the Pride Remembrance Run at the end of the month with my run club QRC! 

This will be my second year running the race and my second pride being apart of the amazing LGBTQ+ community openly, which has changed my life in so many incredible ways. 

For as long as I can remember I longed to have a sense of belonging and feeling “home”, being apart of the queer community has opened the doors to feeling more myself than I ever have. The connections that turned to friendships that turned to chosen family has been a large and important part of me growing, healing and learning about myself. 

The donations towards the Pride Remembrance Run go directly to local organizations supporting the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities and focusing on supporting and protecting the younger generation of our community. This year donations will go to for ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services ), Black CAP(Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention), Buddies(Buddies in Bad Times Theatre ), 519 Church Street Community Centre and the Pride and Remembrance Foundation. All amazing places that deserve ALL the support! 

I will be running the 5k this year with my running club QRC, Queer Run Club has been a foundation of me and my involvement in the queer community and how I have met some of my closest friends who have become apart of my chosen family. The QRC memories over the last two years have been endless and ones I will cherish for my entire life, and has pushed me to continue running (Yes, EVEN IN THE WINTER!) because there’s no place I’d rather be Saturday mornings than with the QRC crew. 

Donations big and small are so very much appreciated and give me hope for the future of queer youth having similar beautiful experiences I have been lucky enough to experience. 

Like last year I will be adding the name of those who donated to my pair of converse that I wear with pride! 

I was blown away raising $420 last year and hope to reach the same goal and would LOVE to surpass last years number! Your support means the world to me, the queer community and future generations of the queer community. With everything happening in neighbouring countries against LGBTQ+ people, showing your support is more important than ever. 

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about my story and why this event is so important to me, I can’t wait to add more names to my converse and to run with pride! (And fingers crossed my race photos will be a little better this time 😂

Wishing you all an fabulous Pride month! 🌈


Hi friends!

I’m participating in the pride & remembrance run! 

I need your support, as the run is raising funds for 5 incredible non-profit organizations that are doing amazing work in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The beneficiaries for this year’s run are: Asian Community AIDS Services, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, the 519, and the Pride and Remembrance Foundation.

It’s fast and easy to donate, and tax receipts will be issued for every donation over $20. Every donation matters, as we try to reach our goal of raising $300,000 this year! The projects and initiatives that these non-profits are developing will make a difference to so many members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and I would be so grateful for your donation.

Thanks again for your support and remember your why!