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Aidez Michael à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement SudburyROCKS 2024


Mon histoire…

Throughout my life, I've witnessed the triumphs, struggles, and heartbreaking losses experienced by those affected directly and indirectly by cancer. These cumulative experiences have ignited a profound determination to make a difference, aiming to contribute in any way possible to alleviate the burden that this disease places on so many lives.

To me, running a marathon mirrors the arduous journey of battling cancer. Both journeys are fraught with numerous highs and lows, testing one's physical and mental resilience. However, in both, the key is to keep moving forward, step by step, day by day, despite the obstacles and setbacks encountered along the way. Each kilometre conquered in a marathon, like each day or treatment endured in the fight against cancer, brings us closer to the finish line.

On the 26 May 2024, I plan on running the Sudbury Rocks marathon in full police uniform and boots.

By running in uniform, I hope to honor the bravery of those who have, are, or will take on the battle against cancer. Despite the inevitable difficulties ahead, I understand that the trials I'll face pale in comparison to the pain and suffering endured by those fighting for their lives against cancer. It's a humbling reminder that while my journey may be tough, it's a privilege to endure temporary discomfort in support of those facing far greater difficulties. Personally, this is not a “race”, this is a journey; it’s about simply starting and finishing whatever that looks like. 

As part of our journey, I’ll be raising money for the Northern Cancer Foundation. Thanks in advance for those who have decided to donate.

Better yet, I see this as an opportunity to create a ripple effect of motivation, positivity, and empowerment within our community, regardless of your physical abilities . Set your own goals and pursue them relentlessly without comparing yourself to those around you. Don’t be shy or intimidated, I assure you the running community is unbelievably inclusive and supportive. 

With that said, please consider joining me or signing up to travel, walk, and/or run any distance you’re capable of. Whether it's the kids 1k, Family 5K, Solo 5K, 10k, half marathon, 8 person relay marathon, or solo marathon. If for whatever reason you’re unable to participate, your willingness to volunteer or attend for encouragement are equally as meaningful to everyone involved. 

All proceeds/registration fees support the Northern Cancer Foundation; thus through our collective efforts, we can play a direct role in improving cancer care and outcomes in Sudbury and Northeastern Ontario. Together, we can run towards a future where cancer is no longer a threat.

Lastly, for those unable to donate, participate, or attend, I have one more favour/request. If you're willing, please share any personal stories/pictures—whether they're about yourself, someone you know, or someone you've known—who has faced the ultimate battle against cancer. I promise I will personally read each story. In addition to my own, these narratives will serve as profound motivation as I prepare for and undertake my endeavor. I'll hold them close in my thoughts and dedicate my run to those who are/have fought valiantly against this disease. Emails are also welcomed from those I inspired to sign up, attend, or volunteer in any capacity.

Thank you very much 

Faites un don pour soutenir Michael et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement SudburyROCKS 2024.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 03 Katherine & Norm You got this ! And our cold plunge tub will be waiting for ya when you are finished the race if you need! 54,63 $
May 01 In Support of Your Journey and My Family's Cancer Journeys Thank you Mike for making this commitment. You will make a difference to so many lives. Montant non divulgué
Apr 29 Avery Perigo 6,33 $
Apr 29 Jen and Jim Booth Way to go Michael! What a great cause! 269,32 $
Apr 29 Paul Berthiaume TMC Group 27,80 $
Apr 28 Guillot Electrical and Controls Inc. 100,00 $
Apr 28 Tivo & Chai 27,80 $
Apr 28 Ian Long and Julie Keetch Very proud of you! 54,63 $
Apr 28 Wade Maksymchuk Only because your locker is next to mine,,,Good luck bud. 27,80 $
Apr 28 Anonyme Thank you for all you do to support our community and inspire future generations (and current generations) of runners :) 108,31 $