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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in Wellness Walk & Run 2024

My Story…

We have all known someone who has struggled with their mental health or addictions. Maybe its you, maybe its someone you love. The effects addictions has on families, is devastating. 

My beautiful sister, Amanda struggled with a long battle of mental health and addictions, which eventually led to her passing April 26, 2006.

Losing her was a pivotal moment in my life, as I was also struggling with addictions at the time. Seeing the son she left behind, and a full life ahead of her full of promises disappear, rocked me to my core.

This year will be 18 years without her, and though they say time heals everything, the wounds still feel so raw. I miss her everyday and wish she could have gotten the help she deserved.

This run, this cause means so much to me. We will be running as a family to honour my sister Mandy, and sadly many others that we have loved and lost due to mental health or addictions.

Please consider donating to this cause.

Donate to help Sarah raise money for Wellness Walk & Run 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 07 Jessica Drakul Thank you for the many ways you’ve helped others in your sister’s cherished memory ❤️ $54.31
May 04 Great G Ma Grace & Great G Pa Allan Good Luck Thomas and Jack $43.62
May 01 Tina and Todd Mahood $27.60
Apr 30 Adi & Darrell Saria $107.72
Apr 28 Mama Bear Go Team Carroll Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Anonymous $27.60
Apr 17 Nidhi 🩷🩷 $27.60
Apr 16 Angela Gyoerick Undisclosed amount
Apr 16 Erin S <3 $22.26
Apr 13 Judy Q $27.60