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Aidez Lori à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement 2024 Run For Survival


Mon histoire…

Hi supporters

I wanted to give you an update on the details of our walk on Sunday October 20th. We are meeting in the parking lot of the Meadowvale Town Centre, south end, in front of Taps Public House.  The closest intersection is Winston Churchill Blvd and Battleford Road.  Show up any time after 10am.  Be prepared to depart at 10:30 and we will head over to Lake Aquitaine Park where we can have a leisurely walk around the little lake.

Pancreatic Cancer Canada (PCC) is sending a few representatives to meet with us so be ready for some photo ops. The official colour of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness is purple. So if you feel like getting into the spirit layer it on. Fun accessories encouraged. 

If you haven’t made your donation yet please do that soon. PCC recently informed me that Pharma Karma has raised the most money of all virtual teams in the walk’s history.

Whether you’ve made a donation or not it would be great to have you out for the occasion.  

When we are done we will head back to our starting point.  We plan on heading to Taps for a bite and all are welcome to join us if your schedule allows.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.  



Welcome to my journey. 

It was some time in August of 2023 when I started noticing that something was happening, something wasn’t right. So many tests and images, three emergency room visits, one whopper of a surgery, and many chemo sessions later my first anniversary approaches. I made it this far! 

I hope that we can raise awareness to further the cause and a few dollars along the way. 

Make a donation to me or my team and come out and walk with me if you can.

This is a virtual walk that will take place in the morning of October 20th in the Meadowvale area of Mississauga.  I will update this page as we confirm the details.

Reach out to me if you have any questions or if you want to say ”Hi”

Thanks for your support.

Lori ❤️


Donate to help me raise money for 2024 Run For Survival fundraising campaign.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Oct 28 Ivana & Luigi Velocci Sending love and hugs, best wishes to our dear cousin Lori 50,00 $
Oct 24 Jennifer Shkopiak Stay strong in your fight, Lori! 💪 Sending you love and light! 💛 Montant non divulgué
Oct 23 Marly Wow amazing work Lori! Sending you big hugs. 54,31 $
Oct 23 Holly He Hi Lori, sending positive vibes and LOTS of LOVE!! 54,31 $
Oct 22 Chris Blowes 107,72 $
Oct 21 Diane Brown Montant non divulgué
Oct 20 Nicole Johnson-Fox 107,72 $
Oct 20 Anonyme So proud of you Lori. - you got this 👍 107,72 $
Oct 20 Dana Packer Sorry I’m not able to join the walk Lori. Hop you are doing well and look to connect sometime soon Montant non divulgué
Oct 20 Nancy Smith Stay strong. Keep laughing. You’ve got this! 54,31 $