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Help Tiffany raise money

For participating in Venus de Miles Colorado 2015

My Story…

Hello beautiful friends and family! I bought my first road bike at the end of last summer and I’m taking the “fake it until you make it” approach. I generally ride 15-30 miles on my own…and then I lose motivation. That’s not super helpful since I signed up to do a 62-mile ride! So, I hauled my butt to a 49-mile ride with my cycling club. I was nervous! What if these ladies are super-fast, what if they leave me stranded in Boulder, what if I can’t make it 49 miles?! Paralysis by “What if” questions. Even with all those thoughts running through my head, I made it to the group ride and guess what? I SURVIVED! You know all those “What if” questions? A lot of people have similar questions about different scenarios in their lives. The Venus de Miles ride supports Greenhouse Scholars, which helps high-performing, under-resourced college students work through some of those questions as they navigate the academic and professional worlds. Please consider donating to this great cause!