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Help John raise money

For participating in Jodi’s Race for Awareness

My Story…

Jodi Brammeier, my wife and Meghan's mother was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer in 2008. Jodi fought hard to start a race to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. We believe that that early diagnosis is critical to surviving this cancer. A stage 1 diagnosis has a 90% survival rates vs. stage 3C or higher have rates in the 30% range within 5 years. She started her 1st race in 2010 which now carries her name - Jodi's Race for Awareness. Jodi was able to make her 1st race in which she sat at the finish line in her wheelchair to cheer on the finishers. She succumb to her disease 2 months later. Jodi's fight and determination now lives on in the spirit of this race and for other women. Please join us to raise awareness and to help save other mothers, sisters,

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 06 Sheryn and John Stevens $40.00
Jun 04 John Brammeier $500.00
Jun 01 Mary Phillips $50.00
May 06 Viki Manley $50.00
May 01 Evy Cugelman $20.00
May 01 Sally Arnaud $40.00
May 01 Jennifer Noble $10.00
May 01 Jennifer Noble $10.00
May 01 Heather Adair $5.00
May 01 Heather Adair $10.00