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Help Stefanie raise money

For participating in 2016 GoodLife Fitness City Chase - Calgary

My Story…

Learning how to be healthy and fit at a young age is a valuable life skill. After being pretty active as a child through school sports, I basically gave it up as I became an adult. Then one day, with the help and support of friends, I decided it was time to take control of my health. One year later and my lifestyle has completely changed. I want to be an example to my children and others of how important a healthy lifestyle can be. Help me to raise funds to bring the Good Life to all children!

Donate to help Stefanie raise money for 2016 GoodLife Fitness City Chase - Calgary’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 03 Natalie Key CA$50.00
May 30 Tom Diment CA$50.00
Mar 08 Janet Lynn CA$25.00
Mar 08 Eleanor Hodge CA$25.00
Mar 08 Diana Korpan CA$20.00