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Help Ellis raise money

For participating in Chuck's Run For Dystonia - 5km Run/Walk

My Story…

The onset of Dystonia for me started at age 9. After many years of doctor appointments I was eventually diagnosed with Dystonia at age 14. I did not require a wheel-chair until the age of 16. I used a manual wheel-chair for 25 years. I have been using a power wheel-chair for the past 6 years. 6 years ago I started having severe back pain which led me to start seeing a neurologist and I eventually started going to the Movement Disorder clinic at Toronto Western Hospital. They diagnosed the type of my Dystonia as Secondary Dystonia in 2014. I had the DBS surgery in February of 2015. I have not had any improvement from the DBS surgery yet but I am still hopeful.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 05 David Rabu $50.00
Jun 03 Allam Melville $100.00
Jun 03 gary johnstone $100.00
Jun 02 Liora Petroccia $50.00
May 27 Fran Mortiboys $50.00
May 20 Danielle Svec $25.00
Apr 25 Lori Freeman $25.00
Apr 25 Anonymous $40.00
Apr 23 Robert Richmond $25.00
Apr 22 Alison White $50.00