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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in Rockin’ It Run 5K

My Story…

Adam joined our family 3.30.15. On that day the we learned Adam had Ds. I was very scared for his future but with support groups like this I now know he has a bright future. Please donate to help this support group grow in helping other families to be. Thank you in advance for your support. The Gorrs

Donate to help Sarah raise money for Rockin’ It Run 5K’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 26 Jennifer Meiring Undisclosed amount
Aug 26 Gorr Family $50.00
Jul 11 Rhonda & Kent Hoppel $25.00
Jul 09 Rebekah Schulenberg Always willing to donate to this cause. People with downs are gifts to the world. $25.00