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Help Victoria raise money

For participating in STEPS TO CURE SARCOMA

My Story…

Victoria was 13 years old, a competitive swimmer and in 7th grade when she complained of left ankle pain early in December 2014. Our family was not prepared to hear the words “your daughter has cancer” just a few days later. We quickly learned that Victoria was one of only a few kids known to have both Down syndrome and Osteosarcoma. To complicate things even more, Victoria’s cancer had metastasized to her lungs. She received her “fancy foot” in the spring of 2015 and was walking independently on it by June 2015 Since then she surfs, swims, skis, and runs. Osteosarcoma is just plain ugly. The reality is we will fight this disease forever. We just don’t know how long forever will be for our kids. Selfishly we all want forever to be, well forever....years and years from now. But without research specifically designed to target osteosarcoma, the reality, unfortunately for too many families, is that this “forever” isn’t far enough in the future. #LetsKillTheCancer

Donate to help Victoria raise money for STEPS TO CURE SARCOMA’s fundraising campaign.