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Help Mary raise money

For participating in Sporting Life 10k - Toronto 2018

Help me raise money to send kids with cancer to #CampOoch through the #SL10K

My Story…

Donate, share and cut some hair! 

Many of you know our story and how amazing Camp Fire Circle was for Eliza during her time at sickkids. We couldn’t have made it through some of those long days without them, but she’s not the only reason we run and why I’ve decided to cut my hair. I want to do it for the beautiful children whose light and legacy continues to shine on through the work of this foundation. 

Harrison McKinnon’s  infectious laughter echoed loud throughout sickkids. During the McKinnon’s time at sickkids, the amazing volunteers and staff who are a part of camp fire circle, were able to shine a little creativity and fun on Harrison and his family, and their long days at the hospital. So, in honour of Harrison and his infectious smile and personality, we will continue to support camp fire circle and everything that they do for the children going through treatment. For our loved ones who have benefitted from this amazing camp and to those who may need to in the future. 

Help us support camp fire circle!  brings laughter and joy to 1,500+ kids and families affected by childhood cancer. Year-round community, in-hospital, overnight, and virtual camp programs across Ontario deliver fun, friendship and a sense of community at any stage of a child’s cancer journey


Help send kids affected by childhood cancer to Camp Ooch!

Camp Oochigeas (Ooch) provides children with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most – the chance to be kids. Ooch is the only overnight camp in Canada to offer on-site IV chemotherapy and blood transfusions.  Often referred to as the social cure for cancer, we offer programs year-round in Muskoka, at SickKids, and various other cancer centres and cities across Ontario. 

As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies exclusively on the generous support of fundraisers, individuals and corporate donors, like you.

Ooch changes the lives of over 1,500 kids affected by childhood cancer every year.  However, 79% of kids with cancer in Ontario still can't go to Camp.  You can help change that!

Cancer changes a child's life.  So does Camp.  And so can you.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 17 Chris Vivian $161.58