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Julie Willoughby

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Julie Willoughby is privileged to be your candidate for Arizona House of Representatives for legislative district 17.  Julie is also honored to call herself a Christian, mother, wife, and Republican. Through her ongoing community service Julie came to understand how government can impact everyone’s quality of life in a huge way; although sometimes it is positive and sometimes negative.  She embraces the fact that, “With a staunch commitment to my family and community I can make a positive impact on the future.” 

As a trauma ER register nurse, Julie has risen through the ranks of her profession with vigor. Julie has embraced the noble cause of helping those that cannot help themselves. Working under pressure as a trauma nurse she has proven herself to be level headed, rational thinking, and a creative problem solver who can effectively communicate even in the face of overwhelming life and death situations.

Julie is also involved in her community as the HOA board president, and has had the pleasure of serving her neighbors in ways that have made the community a better place to live. 

As a graduate from Arizona State University, Julie, received her Bachelors of Science in Nursing and holds multiple professional certifications that have improved her skills and knowledge. Julie freely donates her time and energies to helping her husband’s Rotary Club in their fundraising events and community functions.

Julie Willoughby a candidate for Legislative District 17 serving Chandler, Gilbert, and Sun Lakes.