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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in PUSH PULL for Pancreatic Cancer

My Story…

At my gym, there's a vertical purple beam with a white hash across it. The hash marks a target for where I hoist an 8# medicine ball, repeatedly, when my coaches tell me to. :) That hash also honors GSO, Sr., my coach, Gary's dad. Gary has been there for me since day 1, when I walked into the gym, terrified. On September 26, I celebrated my two-year anniversary. Six weeks later, I'm participating in Project Purple, a gym-based fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer. Like Gary's dad, my parents also died young; and they died from cancer. I will be doing this work out in their honor, in honor of the Garys, and in honor of my CrossFit family. Like the cancer from which my mom died, Pancreatic Cancer is often found when it has metastazied - when treatment becomes more complex, and life, more fragile. I want to do what I can to help change this heartwrenching experience for other people. I'm contributing $50 to the cause this year, and hope you'll consider making an investment, too.

Donate to help Sarah raise money for PUSH PULL for Pancreatic Cancer’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 11 Sarah Diehl In honor of my parents: Mom (1941-2004). Dad (1938-2014). And my CrossFit Family. $50.00