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Help Douglas raise money

For participating in PUSH PULL for Pancreatic Cancer

My Story…

My friend and colleague Aubrey Coleman (pictured to the right with his wife, Ann) died in 2014 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I'm doing the PUSH PULL for Pancreatic Cancer workout at CrossFit Resurgens on December 1 to raise money for Project Purple in memory of him. Pancreatic cancer has one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers. Project Purple's mission is to find a cure for pancreatic cancer and improve the lives of patients through support, hope, and compassion. You can be a part of that effort by making a donation to be used for research and for patient financial aid.

Donate to help Douglas raise money for PUSH PULL for Pancreatic Cancer’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 27 Stephanie Schmidt Undisclosed amount
Nov 27 Carla Wright $20.00
Nov 25 Ann James Undisclosed amount
Nov 18 John Giegerich $50.00