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Help Debbie raise money

For participating in Seize the Moment Run 2018

My Story…

#MyEpilepsyHero Jordyan. My daughter, Jordyan is a beautiful, sweet, big girl. She has been battling Seizures since the age of 2. She has been on a number of meds. There has been a time where she had been seizure free for a long period of time and we could almost let our guard down and relax, but then they come back. The seizure come back, and reminds us of how horrible they can be. Jordyan is 15, a teenager and trying to fit in with all the other wonderful things that teens deal with and along with seizures. If you know Jordyan she is the selfie queen. Her pictures always display a beautiful, strong confident young lady. I however see beyond the pictures. I see and hear the young lady that cries and ask why won’t they stop? And when will they stop. Has a parent it’s the worst feeling or not being to help your child or stop something from hurting your child. My faith in God keeps me strong to help keep her strong. She keeps pushing on with encouragement from family and friends. She is determined to do all the things a 15 old student athlete should be able to do. She is stronger is than she knows. I love her spirit. I keep reminding her God has a plan for her and her testimony will encourage others. All proceeds go directly to the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern CA.

Donate to help Debbie raise money for Seize the Moment Run 2018’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 21 The Kramers $100.00
Mar 08 Tammy Corbus You're amazing Jordyan! Keep working hard! Maybe crystal will be playing against you this year in high school!? $15.00
Mar 08 Sage Mermejo Continue being strong and keep on fighting! Love, the Mermejo-Varga Family $75.00
Mar 08 Verda Neely I love my Jordyan, she is my niece, my world. She is Ezra's cuzzie! $50.00
Feb 28 Joe Smith You are an amazing mother daughter tandem! I hope my small token helps you reach your larger goal! Keep up the awesomeness!!! $25.00
Feb 17 Deborah Peterson $25.00
Feb 17 Steven Moore $25.00