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Help Sherry raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - San Francisco 2018

My Story…

My daughter, Stacy, and I are participating in Miles for Migraine this July! Stacy has been a true battler of this condition for much of her life and has been an inspiration to me as she has not allowed her migraines to keep her from participating in life, traveling the world and working in a fast-paced, exciting television career. I cannot fully comprehend her daily pain and struggles, but she inspires me everyday to push on when things get tough or don't seem fair, in my life. Please join me if you can in supporting Stacy and the Miles for Migraine walk/fundraiser. Miles for Migraine is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people impacted by migraine, and their families through social awareness, community and supporting research efforts for a cure. Help us erase the myth that Migraine is “just a headache”.

Donate to help Sherry raise money for Miles for Migraine - San Francisco 2018’s fundraising campaign.