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Help Christy raise money

For participating in Ride-For-RMHCCF 2018

My Story…

2018 Ride 4 Ronald Campaign has begun. Macy and I are so excited to be back supporting our favorite organization. RMH holds a very special place in our hearts, as much of you already know. But for those of you who we have just become friends with this year, we would love to share our story with you. Macy was born with severe intestinal issues. At 3 days old she was transferred to Florida Childrens Hospital in Orlando. Here she spent 5 months in the NICU. It was during this time our little family came to stay at the RMH at Florida Hospital. Being able to stay at RMH was such a relief. We lived an hour away from the hospital and there was no way this momma bear was going to be away from her brave redheaded princess. These houses are blessings in disguise. They keep families close in these times of need. So join Macy and I in our virtual ride to raise funds for RMH. Join our team as a rider or even a virtual rider. Every dollar raised goes directly to the RMH houses. WE LOVE RMH!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 11 Sue Gurney $25.00
Oct 09 Ginny McGee $25.00
Oct 08 Susan Batinchok Love you guys! Thanks for helping such a great organization. $50.00
Oct 08 Christian Matusek We love Macy and we want to support families like hers, The Matuseks Undisclosed amount
Oct 01 Elizabeth Mikitarian $25.00
Sep 18 Bob Nienstadt $25.00
Sep 12 Jennifer Armstrong $25.00
Sep 11 Gary Ouzts $25.00
Aug 23 Marisol Santiago $25.00
Aug 23 Susan Diez $50.00