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Help us raise money

For participating in JINGLE ROCK RUN 2018

Give the Gift of a Wish! Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Aloha! My name is Irieyana, I am 9 years old. I am raising money for my favorite foundation who granted me MY wish to MEET Queen Elsa back in 2015 at Walt Disney World and Make A Wish Hawaii made me feel so special! Please help me raise money so other keiki in Hawaii can go on there SPECIAL WISH TRIP! Te Amo 😘-Irieyana!


Welcome to our Jingle Rock Run fundraising page!

Jingle Rock Run is more than just a family-fun holiday 5k—it’s a major fundraiser with major heart, benefiting local keiki with critical illnesses at Make-A-Wish Hawaii.
From 1,300 local children and families to friends, neighbors, doctors, and supporters, countless lives have been touched by the life-changing impact of a wish here in Hawaii over the past 35 years. 
And we have a chance to be part of that magic!

Every donation goes directly toward granting local wishes—wishes that inspire hope, deliver strength, and unite entire communities.

Currently, one out of five eligible children in Hawaii will not get to experience the power of a wish due to lack of funding. Join us in supporting Make-A-Wish Hawaii so we can reach each and every eligible child.

There’s no better time to give the gift of a wish. Together, we can transform lives, one wish at a time.

Mahalo for wishing with us

Give the Gift of a Wish! Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.