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Help Cheryl raise money

For participating in 2019 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k

My Story…

MARCH 11th UPDATE: Thanks to very generous donations from a few friends and family, I have surpassed my fundraising goal - woo hoo! But if you'd still like to make a donation, please do! Perhaps to one of my team mates: Britt Stevens, Christine Bigelow or Steve Svensson. Or... join me for the walk! 😊 ~ Thanks for visiting my fundraising page. I am walking (with perhaps a little jogging here and there ;) for The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC. The Crisis Centre is a non-profit dedicated to providing help and hope to individuals, organizations, and communities. They provide immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgmental, confidential support and follow-up through their 24/7 phone lines and online services. They also offer education and training programs that promote mental wellness in communities to assist people at risk of suicide. Thanks… this means a lot to me ❤ Cheryl xo

Donate to help Cheryl raise money for 2019 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 12 Libby Good luck - hope it's a great day! xo $50.00
Apr 13 Sylvia Korteling Good for you, Cheryl! Look forward to seeing you soon for lunch. :) $30.00
Mar 13 Janet Bigelow $100.00
Mar 12 Laurence Bigelow Cheers to you, Cheryl, Christine, and Steve! $25.00
Mar 11 Lisa Dunne $50.00
Mar 10 Pam Bygrave $50.00
Mar 10 Julie Dunne Undisclosed amount