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Help Jill raise money

For participating in Push Pull for Pancreatic Cancer 2019


Help Raise Awareness and Funds for Critical Research and Patient Financial Aid for Pancreatic Cancer.

Help fight for survival.  Pancreatic Cancer has only a 9% survival rate at 5 years, 71% of patients will die within 1 year of diagnosis.  There is NO early detection and NO cure for this disease.  With your help Project Purple is able to continue it's fight for survival and funding critical research for early detection and a cure.  By 2020 Pancreatic Cancer will become the #2 killer of all cancer related deaths.  It's getting worse not better and we need your help to change that.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 15 The power house Push pull 4/27 $89.31
Apr 28 Rebecca Moradian $54.14
Apr 25 Julie and Christopher Causey In support of The Power House's Jill Stein Lipset and her fundraising efforts against this deadly cancer that took her dad. $107.42