Help Kayla raise money
For participating in Cincinnati Aruna Run 2019
This user is not currently accepting donations
Help Me Raise Funds for Freedom!
I visited India for the first time a few years ago on a work trip. We landed in Mumbai at night and didn’t see much of the city between the airport and the hotel. But on our way out the next morning for the trip from Mumbai for our final destination, we saw the overflow of people and poverty.
I traveled India as a privileged and protected American, with my big strong husband by my side. These women have no one who protects them, no one who stands up for them, no one who rescues them.
Until now.
Until God uses the Aruna project to free them, to give them safety, a job, and a purpose.
Join me in my #runforher and help Aruna bring rescue and a new life to these women. You can either donate here, or run with me on September 2nd by registering and joining “Team Fry”.
Donate to help Kayla raise money for Cincinnati Aruna Run 2019’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
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John Grinalds
Go Kayla!! Much love!
Undisclosed amount