Help Kate raise money
For participating in Seize the Moment Run 2019
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
I was diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of 3 and have had seizures (absence and tonic clonic) very frequently throughout my entire life. We immigrated to the USA from New Zealand in 2012 and i have been extremely fortunate to have access to different Epilepsy specialists, resulting in me becoming seizure free at the age of 29, for the first time in my life. I still take seizure medication but have now been seizure free for the last 6.5 years, which i can only describe as one of the best feelings you could ever imagine. I feel like i have been given a second chance at life! I am a Mom to two beautiful healthy little girls, i can now drive and i am going back to school to fulfill my dreams of working in the medical field and helping others in their time of need. I am also a volunteer with the Epilepsy foundation of Northern California doing seizure first aid trainings for school personal.
Donate to help Kate raise money for Seize the Moment Run 2019’s fundraising campaign.