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Help Priscilla raise money

For participating in Big Peach Sizzler 10K and 5K

My Story…

I'm raising money for Miles for Cystic Fibrosis. Every dollar makes a difference. Will you please donate to my fundraiser?


Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, life-shortening genetic disease that affects the respiratory and digestive systems, making it increasingly hard to breathe as the disease progresses. There is no cure. Training to run or participate in an endurance event takes the kind of effort that children and adults living with cystic fibrosis must endure every day just to breathe.  Exercise is an effective way for people with CF to clear their airways, build endurance and strength, increase appetite, and just feel better!

Miles for Cystic Fibrosis is an Atlanta-based nonprofit that encourages and supports exercise and physical activity for individuals living with cystic fibrosis through the BreatheStrong exercise grant program. M4CF also contributes to organizations that provide emergency financial assistance for CF families and conduct research for better treatments and search for a cure.