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Help Patrick raise money

For participating in 2019 Ottawa Riverkeeper 4K Swim

Help protect our beautiful Ottawa River and watershed

De retour dans la rivière! Back in the river! Each dollar = 1 metre of energy to get me across the 4K Ottawa River! If I fall short of my fundraising objective, I will stop swimming at the requisite amount of metres and hope that I drift to shore safely. Thanks for helping to improve my odds of success / survival! // Chaque dollar = 1 mètre d'énergie pour m'aider à traverser les 4km de la rivière des Outaouais! Si je n'atteins pas mon objectif de financement, j'arrêterai de nager au nombre de mètres correspondant en espérant que le courant m'amène à bon port. Merci de m'aider à augmenter mes chances de succès / survie!


The Ottawa River is our nation's capital river and we are so fortunate to have this incredible resource running right through the Ottawa-Gatineau region. Whether you enjoy swimming, fishing, paddling, or strolling alongside its banks, its beauty and the recreational opportunities abound.  But it needs our help to protect it and keep it clean and healthy.

Will you join in me to help protect and promote the health of this beautiful river? Please make a donation and help me reach my fundraising goal!

Through programs like Pollution Hotline and Ottawa Riverkeeper's new road salt monitoring program coming next winter we can help keep our river swimmable, drinkable and fishable for all of us to enjoy!


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 04 Elise Morin J'embarque :) $26.41
Jul 01 Heather Spratt Bonne chance, Patrick, et merci beaucoup! Tu es un fabuleux merman! $26.41
Jun 30 Joshua Wolfe $52.83
Jun 28 Karine Di Genova $21.13
Jun 27 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 26 Derek Nighbor Go get ‘em merman! Bonne chance. $105.65
Jun 26 Veronique Nolet Go! sirène, Go! T'es une inspiration Pierre, lâche pas! Bonne nage, on sera avec toi, un mètre à la fois! $52.83
Jun 25 Valérie Courtois $52.83
Jun 25 Suzanne Methot Tu es irrésistible, comment ne pas dire oui, pour notre magnifique rivière en plus ! $26.41
Jun 25 Meaghan Murphy You got this Patrick! Love Riverkeeper and all you guys do! Undisclosed amount