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Help Alex raise money

For participating in 2019 Ottawa Riverkeeper 4K Swim

Help protect our beautiful Ottawa River and watershed

I am participating in the Ottawa Riverkeeper Swim for the first time. I am 9 years old. I am doing the Riverkeeper swim because it is fun, I enjoy swimming, and I want to help stop pollution and save the river. I will be swimming the 750m swim this year, and have been practicing every day. My sister did the swim last year when she was 11, and I want to do the same thing. I love boating, swimming, fishing, and playing in the water. Please help me achieve my goal.


The Ottawa River is our nation's capital river and we are so fortunate to have this incredible resource running right through the Ottawa-Gatineau region. Whether you enjoy swimming, fishing, paddling, or strolling alongside its banks, its beauty and the recreational opportunities abound.  But it needs our help to protect it and keep it clean and healthy.

Will you join in me to help protect and promote the health of this beautiful river? Please make a donation and help me reach my fundraising goal!

Through programs like Pollution Hotline and Ottawa Riverkeeper's new road salt monitoring program coming next winter we can help keep our river swimmable, drinkable and fishable for all of us to enjoy!


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 08 Stacey taylor $31.70
Aug 05 Sharon Russell Have a great swim for a great cause! $26.41
Aug 02 Nadine Kopp Good luck! $26.41
Jul 29 The Malcomson's $37.78
Jul 27 Anonymous $105.65
Jul 13 Jill Watson Go Alex Go!! $52.83
Jul 13 Papa and Donna We're proud of you Alex. Helping to improve the environment is a good cause. We love you. Papa and Donna $52.83
Jul 12 Grandma and Grandpa Mortimer So proud of you Alex and we hope your swim day will be warm and sunny. $52.83