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Help Teresa raise money

For participating in 18th Annual Second Wind Walk/Run

My Story…

I volunteer at a teen homeless drop in center in Denver with my pups. It is very eye opening as to why so many youth are on the street and also attempt suicide. I have learned a lot from talking to these kids and have found many have mental health issues, addiction and/or came from abusive homes. This is just a small segment of teens needing help. Every day thousands of teens consider suicide. If we offer early intervention and mental health support we can lower the number of kids that die by suicide each year. This fundraising event speaks to my heart. I hope it does to you as well. Thank you!


Help me raise funds for Second Wind Fund! Suicide is currently the leading cause of death for youth  in Colorado. The Second Wind Fund aims to decrease the incidence of suicide in children and youth by removing the financial and social barriers to treatment. SWF’s program is delivered in 30 counties across Colorado, including: Denver, Jefferson, Mesa, Arapahoe and Douglas. To date, their program has served over 5,600 youth since 2002. Your support will help save young lives from suicide! 

Second Wind Fund has a simple formula for levels of financial support. They are capable of saving a young life for every $1,000 received: 

12 therapy sessions x $70 a session = $840 

3 Suicide Ideation Questionnaires = $30

Therapist Travel Reimbursement = $120 

Minimal Administrative Costs = $10

Total = $1,000

Thank you so much for supporting me and Second Wind Fund! No donation is too small. If you need any additional information on Second Wind Fund, please visit their website:


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 Ronda Frazier $26.25
Sep 20 Teresa MacKillop $52.50