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Help Paula raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Calgary Marathon 2020

My Story…

Who doesn't know someone who has faced cancer or is facing cancer? I know first-hand that cancer treatment is providing more moments for people facing cancer. I work for Alberta Cancer Foundation. I had cancer. I am running because I can. I am raising funds because I know that together we can support a cancer free future!


Every day, 53 Albertans hear the words “you have cancer.” These aren’t just statistics, these are our families, our friends, and our neighbours. Join us to support the 17,000 Albertans that are diagnosed with cancer every year across the province. Run for your mother, your father, a grandparent, a sibling, a friend, or even a stranger. The money raised will be donated to the area of greatest need. Please feel free to create your own cancer conquering t-shirts and get others involved! We hope that you will join us to make more moments for Albertans facing cancer at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 21 Sharon Shewchuk Great cause Paula! $25.00
Jan 18 Ken Brooks $50.00
Jan 17 Marcy Sheppard Best of luck Paula! $100.00