Help Kathy raise money
For participating in Scotiabank Calgary Marathon 2020
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
Our family journey at Foothills Academy began in 2011 when Ila started here in Grade 4. Anna and Carter soon joined her and we have another 5 years to go before Carter graduates like Ila will this year.
Foothills Academy staff and families work hard every year to raise over one million dollars to support the Bursary Program. It is this program that has made it possible for my kids to attend this life-changing school.
Would you consider supporting us?
Join our team of runners and walkers to help ensure that every child or family affected by Learning Disabilities has the opportunity to participate in specialized, quality programs in a supportive environment with staff who are trained to address their needs. All funds raised will be directed to our Bursary Fund to support this goal. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Join our team or donate to make a significant difference in the lives of many of the 1 in 10 Calgarians affected by Learning Disabilities.