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Pleo (Parents Lifelines)

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Pleo (Parents Lifelines)

PLEO fosters positive outcomes for families with children to age 25 who are facing mental health challenges by providing family peer support and by amplifying the family voice for system change. Families are supported by our telephone helpline, our parent support groups and by our mobile one-on-one support. PLEO serves families throughout Eastern Ontario.

I in 5 children and youth in our community will face a mental health challenge. We all know someone, or a family who are affected. PLEO believes that these young people and their families can flourish, stigma-free, with the support and services they need. Please help us to provide the much-needed support to the families in your community. Your generous support can help us to improve the outcomes for the children and youth and their families.


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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Nov 20 Diane Castonguay It's not much but I hope my donation helps in some way or another. Cheers. Di 25,00 $