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The Dementia Society

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme The Dementia Society

The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County is a registered Charity with the mission of ensuring no one faces dementia alone. We rely on many supporters in the community to fund a range of social, recreational, and educational programs, as well as caregiver support to over 5,500 people every year. We are truly your own community of support.  Participating in the Charity Challenge is a great way to, raise awareness, remember a loved one, fulfill your philanthropic goals, and stay motivated to run your race.


The Dementia Society Director of Client Services, Dean Henderson, invites you to join "Team Dementia"! As team captain, he is combining his two passions: running and helping people with dementia.  He knows, as do we all, that no one should face dementia alone.

We  recognize that a virtual race can’t possibly replace the thrill and excitement of a live, in-person event, but it can still be a fulfilling experience!  

Run your race at your pace!   We know you put a lot into your training, so let us reward you!  

  • If you raise at least $50 for The Dementia Society, you will be entered into a prize draw featuring fitness class vouchers, massage packages and other surprises.     
  • If you raise at least $500, Run Ottawa is offering free registration for Race Weekend 2021.
  • For our Super Supporters, we have an extra, special way to thank you – if you raise $600 for The Dementia Society, we will refund your Ottawa Race Weekend registration fees paid either for Race Weekend 2020 or the new virtual race.

 If you would like to join "Team Dementia," proceed to the Race Roster website. By using the preceding link, The Dementia Society will also receive a $5 bonus! As a thank you to all participants of the Charity Challenge, use the promo code 2020CHARITYRUNNER to receive a 20% discount on your registration fees for the virtual race. There is no additional cost to participate in the Charity Challenge.


Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Sep 04 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Jun 17 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Jun 13 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
May 25 Yolanda Nandlall 100,00 $
May 20 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
May 16 Gilles Morier 50,00 $
May 15 Anonyme 25,00 $
May 03 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 15 Heather Tkalec Thanks for fundraising Tamsin! 50,00 $