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Perley Rideau Foundation

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Perley Rideau Foundation

To raise funds to help the Perley Rideau achieve its mission; excellence in the health, safety and well-being of seniors and Veterans with a focus on innovation in person centred and frailty informed care and service.


The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre is one of Ontario’s largest and most innovative long-term care homes. Located on a 25-acre campus, it is a unique Seniors Village with 450 long-term care beds, 139 independent-living apartments, and a growing number of clinical, therapeutic and recreational services available on-site.


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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Sep 24 Flavie Léonard The Perley team has always given exceptional care to my grandparents for almost 10 years. Thank you! You are superheroes. Montant non divulgué
Sep 22 Pixie Vradenburg 50,00 $
Sep 22 Daphne Bascombe 45,00 $
Sep 22 Linda Padgett 20,00 $
Sep 22 Janey Rawes 100,00 $
Sep 22 Norman Edwards 50,00 $
Sep 22 Marjorie Hopper 20,00 $
Sep 22 Betty Valin 40,00 $
Sep 22 Joan Soutar 50,00 $
Sep 22 Don & Lois Ouimet 40,00 $