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United Way East Ontario/Centraide Est de l'Ontario

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme United Way East Ontario/Centraide Est de l'Ontario

À Centraide de l’Est de l’Ontario, nous nous engageons à apporter des changements durables et mesurables dans notre communauté, aujourd’hui et pour l’avenir.

Even though Race Weekend will be going virtual in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, you still have a chance to make a difference.

The running community has always been synonymous with support and generosity. Each of you run for your own reasons and causes, and today, our local communities need your support more than ever before. 

People who live in poverty, homeless youth, seniors, and many others are at-risk during these unprecedented times. Mental health challenges are affecting us all. And those incredible volunteersthose generous people who are out there trying to helpthey also need our support. You have the chance to show your local love during this global crisis. 

By joining and fundraising for team United Way East Ontario, you will help provide:

  • Basic Needs – Ensure people have access to life’s essentials, such as food.
  • Help for Seniors – Ensure that while vulnerable people are isolated, they are also supported.
  • Capacity for Community Services – Ensure that community partners can continue to do their vital local work.
  • Mental Health Support – enabling crisis lines and system navigation services.
  • Support for Volunteers – there are amazing people rallying to support others—they need our help too. 

As the situation evolves, so too will the needs of our communities. As you care for your family and those closest to you, we urge you to think of the people who may need support adapting, or those who need special attention while in self-isolation. For more information about getting help, volunteering, or United Way’s response to COVID-19, please visit our website.

We will get through this together. Thank you for your ongoing support. 


Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Jul 30 Anna Belanger and Associates 250,00 $
Jun 01 Dan P Happy to help out a BALG Montant non divulgué
Jun 01 Meredith 25,00 $
Jun 01 Leslie Carmichael (United) Way to go, Jessica! Happy to support you in this cause. 50,00 $
Jun 01 Badass lady gang ❤️ Congratulations Montant non divulgué
Jun 01 Lindsay Short Congratulations on your marathon! 25,00 $
May 30 Jen Bazinet Go Chelsea Go! 50,00 $
May 29 Kelly Santini LLP 200,00 $
May 11 David Renouf You’re amazing 😄 25,00 $
May 10 Brent and Audrey Halsall Such a good cause to run for. 75,00 $