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Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health

Raise money for Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health

The Royal is a place where mind matters as we discover the mysteries of the brain and translate our findings from bench to bedside. It is a place where we never give up on the potential of people. As one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres, The Royal focuses on full psychiatric rehabilitation, specializing in treating people across Eastern Ontario with complex and serious mental illness.

As a not-for-profit organization, the Royal Ottawa Foundation reinvests all earnings into giving patients and clients high-quality care, finding answers to the toughest mental health cases, and training the next generation of doctors and researchers. Reinvestment lays the foundation for everything we do, and because The Royal is at the forefront of mental health care and research, we see our supporters as co-visionaries who imagine the unimaginable.

Every donation to The Royal makes an impact on the lives of our patients today and in the future. By enhancing the environment and quality of life of our inpatients and those in the community or advancing research – we are grateful for your support.

En tant qu’organisme sans but lucratif, la Fondation de santé mentale Royal Ottawa réinvestit tous ses revenus pour offrir aux patients et clients des soins de grande qualité, trouver des solutions pour traiter les cas de maladie mentale les plus complexes et former la prochaine génération de médecins et de chercheurs. Ce réinvestissement constitue le fondement de toutes nos activités, et comme le Royal est à l’avant-garde des soins et de la recherche en santé mentale, nous considérons les donateurs qui nous soutiennent comme des co-visionnaires qui partagent notre mission d’imaginer l’inimaginable.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Dec 09 Una Blumberga $100.00
Dec 05 Veronique Fradette $25.00
Dec 04 Jennifer Walker Kaitlin Louise Walker you ROCK! Love you with all my heart and soul Sweet Pea. $100.00
Dec 01 Betina Letellier $25.00
Nov 10 Anonymous $25.00
Nov 07 Anonymous $25.00