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Family Services Ottawa

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Family Services Ottawa

Since 1914, Family Services Ottawa has provided mental health support to children, adults and seniors. Our neighbours, our co-workers, our family or maybe even you, have experienced mental health challenges. There is nothing worse than feeling you have nowhere to turn. That’s where Family Services Ottawa provides a lifeline.  We know we can help more people overcome their mental health challenges. You can help your neighbours, friends and family through Family Services Ottawa.



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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Sep 03 Anonyme 25,00 $
May 16 Samantha Clark Good luck on your run!! 25,00 $
May 15 Jennifer Bate Good luck Elina! :) 25,00 $
May 15 Denis and Sheila Go Elina ! Great cause ! 50,00 $
May 15 Kira & Andrew Enjoy the run! ^_^* 50,00 $
Apr 30 Anonyme 25,00 $
Apr 30 Thomas Van Dewark 25,00 $
Apr 29 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 28 Alyson Schofield ♥️ 25,00 $
Apr 28 Marko Kryworuchko Rock it Linus! XO 25,00 $