Raise money for Interfaith Council on Poverty
The Interfaith Council on Poverty is an ecumenical collaboration of more than fifteen Christian churches in Hernando and Nesbit, MS. The congregations working together to help the poor include Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, and nondenominational. The Council established 501c3 nonprofit status in 2001.
We welcome Christian churches from the Hernando or Nesbit areas to join us in becoming a more visible sign of the unity and compassion of Christ. If your church does not already participate, prayerfully consider asking your church leadership to join the Interfaith Council. If you would like someone to speak to your congregation, fill out the contact page.
Churches can participate at any level, from making monthly or yearly donations, packing and/or delivering Thanksgiving or Christmas baskets, working at the food pantry, stocking an item at the food pantry, or a host of other ways. Up to two members can represent each church.
We work in close association with the Hernando Catholic Social Services Office who screens clients for eligibility in our programs. In addition, individuals, businesses and organizations from the surrounding community donate time, materials, food and money. Without them, we could not do what we do to help the disadvantaged and spread Christ’s love.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Mar 11 | Jonie womack | Undisclosed amount |