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Help Victoria raise money

For participating in 2020 Sonoma County Human Race

My Story…

In collaboration with a group of my colleagues at Luther Burbank Savings, we are once again participating in this year’s Sonoma County Human Race. The event takes place on May 2nd and brings together individuals & businesses for the purpose of raising funds for local non-profit organizations. Our team, “The Daises,” have chosen the “Caritas Village Campaign” as the recipient non-profit organization for the funds we raise ( ). The Caritas Village project is a partnering between Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa and Burbank Housing for the development of a housing-focused service center, emergency shelter and 128 units of permanent affordable housing for those in need. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

Donate to help Victoria raise money for 2020 Sonoma County Human Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 04 Victoria Carrillo $16.83