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Help Jennifer raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020

My Story…

Dear friends and family,

This year I am participating in the virtual Scotiabank Toronto Marathon to raise money for ehm, an organization I am very proud to be a part of.  ehm has weathered many storms over its 107 years of serving Toronto's most vulnerable residents.  COVID has been no different.

In mid-March we pivoted to find creative ways to continue programming when everything shut down.  We had several clients who reported not eating for many days because their usual supports were closed and with libraries closed, they had no way to access computers/internet or telephones to get updates.  We initially focused on the most needed services, food and water, washroom access and referral/resource support.  Since then we have been re-opening our programs in modified ways.

In non-COIVD times, our Drop-In typically sees 150 people per day, 7 days per week, 364 days per year.  It offers hot meals, showers, laundry, spiritual care, a voluntary financial trustee program, housing help, group programming, a nurse and so much more.  We initially pivoted to take-out meals and washroom access but have been able to re-open our indoor space (with physical distancing and a maximum of 22 people inside at any one time) and resume programming.  In September we hired a peer worker so that shower and laundry access could resume.  The demand for our meal service has surged, from June-September 2019 we served 23,577 meals over 7 days per week.  This year, in that same period, we served 38,377 meals over 6 days per week, an 89% per day increase.  

ehm is also home to 110 people of all ages.  We have supported tenants with food, providing information and public health guidance, partnering with Rogers to offer discounted internet, providing cell phones during the pandemic to those who don't have them (many of our tenants deal with chronic illness and without telephones they cannot connect with their doctors) and programming that has included walking groups, Zoom BINGO and a Wednesday lunch and video series.  Social isolation is a huge concern so our Residence team has been hard at work helping to foster community, a sense of belonging and support with accessing government benefits.

Last but not least, our dental clinic re-opened in late August and is providing free hygiene services two days per week.  Depending on restrictions and the state of the pandemic, free dentist services will resume in the near future.

The needs are immense and we are so grateful to be able to do our small part during this very difficult time. If you would like more information about our services, please check out our website .Thank you for your support and, if you are able, for your donation.

Take good care,



All proceeds will go toward ehm’s programming to provide providing food, clothing, housing and healthcare to clients experiencing homelessness and poverty. Join our team to support our most vulnerable neighbours and spread the word about Evangel Hall’s impact.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 19 Carolyn McAvoy $50.00
Oct 18 Anonymous $50.00
Oct 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 17 John and Jane Belec $100.00
Oct 17 Denise Shaw $25.00
Oct 15 Eleni Mermigas $25.00
Oct 15 Emily Mohamed Good luck! $50.00
Oct 14 Emily Sully $40.00
Oct 14 John and Nancy Sully $100.00