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Help Neil raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020

Run with Fresh and Green

I'm running for the kids of Fresh and Green Academy. They know they are fortunate to be in school because of the disadvantages of their early life. They work hard to pass their grades, so I can work hard to inspire people to donate to our cause.


Your family, friends and co-workers are the first to “like” your efforts on social media. Let’s give them a chance to “really like” your awesome effort to prepare, train and execute your walk or run to help kids who are trying to leave the cycle of poverty behind. That’s what we do at Canadian Friends of Fresh and Green Academy. Following the path of the famous Ethiopian distance runners, Abebe Bikila, Haile Gebreselassie, Meseret Defar, we can run and walk to feed and educate children who would otherwise not have the opportunity.