Help Sheryl raise money
For participating in Tour de Maine 4 Jake's Sake
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My Story…
I am proud to be a part of the 4 Jake's Sake Charitable Foundation. Our main purpose is to help families living with Duchenne make their homes and lives accessible. My 17-year-old son Jake has Duchenne MD and it’s a muscle wasting disease similar to ALS, except it affects children. Currently, there is no cure for Duchenne and with its diagnosis families can expect to need many costly items, most not covered by insurance, to make their homes and lives accessible. Our mission is to help these families acquire the needed equipment so they can have the ability to live a life that many of us take for granted. The ability to get around in wheelchairs…won't you help us?
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KATHLEEN Sartorius
You're a Rockstar , Sheryl!!
mary Mancini
Good Luck, I am sure you will do well.