Help Lisa raise money
For participating in Miles for Migraine - Chicago 2020
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
I learned about Miles for Migraine in early 2020 but have been a migraine sufferer for several years. I was horrified to learn how little money is available for migraine research, in part, because it is a condition that affects primarily women. Also, it is a very diverse condition so researching it is difficult. I feel strongly that we need to do more in this area for our grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters and nieces. But also for our male counterparts. So I'm doing something I have never done and I'm going to train and run a 5K run on June 20, 2020 to raise awareness and hopefully a little money for this research. Please join me!
Donate to help Lisa raise money for Miles for Migraine - Chicago 2020’s fundraising campaign.
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Lisa Nesson
Undisclosed amount