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Help Rita raise money

For participating in Brave Like Gabe 5K | September 6 2020| St. Paul, MN

My Story…

Sue is a friend recently diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma . She is a friend I haven't seen in some time as busy family lives sometimes bring about. When I learned of her diagnosis, I reached out and was immediately reminded of the calm, steady and determined person she is. This weekend I will be participating in the #BraveLikeGabe virtual 5k for Sue in support of her fight against this disease which requires funding for targeted research and subsequent treatments. Sue is a fit, active, busy and devoted wife and mother of three. She is equal parts determination and grace. She inspires me to be #BraveLikeSue

Donate to help Rita raise money for Brave Like Gabe 5K | September 6 2020| St. Paul, MN’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 05 The Labanara’s Go get them Rita!! Supporting you and the research for a great cause!! Thank you! ❤️ $54.10
Sep 05 April Anderson Good luck with the run. I’ll be thinking of your friend & sending positive thoughts ❤️ $54.10
Sep 05 Go Rita & Sue! $54.10
Sep 05 Hynes Family Go get’em Rita $54.10